Sustainability/ESG Initiatives


Respect for Human Rights

GNI Group Ltd. (“the company”) and its affiliated companies (collectively, “the Group” or “we”) uphold the philosophy of “We Bring New Hope to Life” and pursue our mission of delivering new medicines to patients worldwide. In the pharmaceutical field, we conduct unique research using advanced technologies and distinctive perspectives, developing and providing products under fair and free competition while promoting autonomous and responsible actions. These efforts aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
As we expand our diverse business operations globally, respect for human rights is considered a critical element. Based on international codes of conduct related to human rights, including the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” and the “UN Global Compact,” we fulfill our corporate social responsibility regarding human rights and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Basic Approach to Human Rights

The Group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights (“this Policy”) has been formulated in accordance with the United Nations “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.” This Policy reflects our commitment to respect human rights in line with our corporate philosophy, vision, values, code of conduct, and relevant internal policies and regulations. We further pledge not to tolerate, nor participate in, threats, intimidation, or physical and legal attacks against human rights defenders. In implementing initiatives to respect human rights, we support and uphold the following international human rights standards:

  1. The “International Bill of Human Rights” (comprising the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,” and the “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”).
  2. The “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” which outlines basic labor rights, including prohibitions on child labor and forced labor, elimination of discrimination, and recognition of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  3. The “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,” including respect for legitimate ownership of land, water, and natural resources.
  4. The “Declaration of Helsinki” on ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.
  5. The “Children’s Rights and Business Principles.

*1 This includes support for and respect for the core labor standards: “prohibition of child labor,” “prohibition of forced labor,” “elimination of discrimination,” and “freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining.”
*2 This includes respect for legitimate ownership and use of land, water, and natural resources, as well as the rights of indigenous peoples.



The Group has a high proportion of female employees, with women making up 53% of our workforce as of FY2023.
We strive to create a safe and comfortable work environment where motivated and talented individuals can thrive regardless of gender.

In 2024, Danielle Kelley was appointed as the CEO of our Group’s MedTech (Biomaterials) subsidiaries, Berkeley Advanced Biomaterials LLC and Berkeley Biologics LLC, marking a significant milestone for female leadership within the organization.


Commitment to Quality

In our pharmaceutical business, we have obtained certification under China’s ISO14001 Environmental Management System Standard. We continue to invest in environmental protection to reduce waste treatment and harmful emissions from our operations. 

In the drug discovery business, we have established the “Water Conservation Management Rules and Regulations.” This system not only improves water resource utilization but also clarifies water conservation responsibilities for each department and individual. Efforts include reducing unnecessary waste, effectively managing violations, promoting water-saving equipment and technologies, strengthening employee education on water conservation, and implementing a water usage monitoring system to accurately evaluate water-saving outcomes. These measures effectively control water costs, significantly reduce wastewater discharge, and actively contribute to environmental protection and sustainable water resource utilization.

In the MedTech business, our subsidiary Berkeley Biologics LLC holds international certification for quality management in the medical device industry (ISO13485:2016 certification), ensuring the provision of safer biomaterials.


Social Contribution Activities

In August 2024, we joined Keidanren, aiming to fulfill greater social responsibilities through the promotion of ESG and contribute to the growth of the drug discovery and pharmaceutical industries as well as the Japanese economy.

Our subsidiary Beijing Continent annually donates ETUARY®, a treatment for pulmonary fibrosis, to Chinese non-profit organizations.

In February 2020, during the COVID-19 outbreak, we donated masks and hand sanitizers to the Wuhan region in China.